Scientific Name: Ancistrus cirrhosus
Maximum Size: 15cm
Lifespan: 12 years
Origin: Amazon River
Diet: Herbivores
Breeding: Egg Laying
pH Range: 6.5-8.5
Bristlenose Catfish are a popular ‘algae eater’ for aquariums and are suitable to live with most species of fish as they are a very peaceful fish and are rarely aggressive. The main thing to take into consideration is water parameters and having enough space or caves as males can be combative towards each other. During Winter, Bristlenose will need a heated tank – temperatures between 22°C - 26°C.
Bristlenose Catfish are a mottled brown with white or yellow spots on their flat, fat bodies. Colouring can be uneven with lighter or darker splotches on their bodies – the underside tends to be lighter than the back. Once they reach maturity (generally around six months), they start to get their bristles.
Feeding: Bristlenose Catfish are ideal aquarium fish as they are fantastic for eating a wide variety of algae species. Diet should be supplemented with Algae Wafers. Zucchini slices and Spinach are good treats for them too.
Reproduction: Bristlenose tend to spawn around November but to encourage spawning you will need to have caves or hidey holes as the Males like to claim a territory they find suitable for spawning. The Females will lay her eggs at the spawning site – this is noticeable by clusters of orange or yellow eggs. The Male stays with the eggs as he defends his territory and eggs from other Males. It’s interesting to watch as the Males fan water over the eggs to provide them with fresh oxygenated water. Eggs can hatch within 5-10 days.
Gender Differences: It is easy to determine the gender of Bristlenose Catfish – both sexes have the bristles around their snout but males get large bristles on their heads, whereas Female’s don’t. Males also have spikes on their fins. Males also tend to get larger than the Female’s.