Scientific Name: Xiphophorus maculatus
Maximum Size: 5-7cm
Lifespan: 4 years
Origin: Central America
Diet: Omnivores
Breeding: Live-Bearing
pH Range: 6.5-8.5
Platies are a great fish for beginners as they are very low-maintenance, peaceful fish. If you are mixing sexes, be aware that you may get inundated with fry as live bearers can reproduce fairy quickly. They do well in a community tank with Swordtails, Guppies, Neon Tetras, Mollies etc.
Platys can be placed in outdoor ponds. Preferable establish during the warm season to allow them to adjust to the colder seasons. During the cold season, some may die off but usually some will survive over Winter and breed up in Spring. There is less chance of survival if introducing them to an outdoor pond in Winter without the time to adjust.
Feeding: Platies can eat a variety of foods including live, frozen, flakes or floating pellets.
Reproduction: Platys are livebearers, meaning they give birth to fry instead of laying eggs. Live bearers can easily overpopulate a tank. Platys can give birth between 20-50 fry per spawning. If you are planning on breeding Platys you will need to make sure to have plenty of space and places for the fry to hide. Platys will eat their own fry, which is a good way to help control the population levels.
Gender differences: Females usually get bigger than the Males.
Introducing Fish: Make sure you have put a Water Conditioner/Chlorine Neutraliser into your new pond before introducing fish. We suggest to not overstock a new pond with fish too soon, the water needs time to balance and age. If you have just filled the pond, you will need to wait at least a week or two before introducing fish!! Keep an eye on new fish for the first few hours after they have been released into the pond to make sure they are settling in well.