$10.00 each or 5 for $47.50
Scientific Name: Puntius conchonius
Maximum Size: 8-10cm
Lifespan: 5 years
Origin: Bengal, India
Diet: Omnivores
Breeding: Egg Laying
pH Range: 6.5-7.5
Rosy Barbs are an active, peaceful, freshwater fish with an oval-shaped body and forked tail. They have a black blotchy spot on the caudal peduncle, which is the narrow part of the body before the tail. Colouring varies from bronze, red, pink, gold and peach.
Rosy Barbs are a schooling fish, so we recommend keeping no less than five in an aquarium or pond. Rosy Barbs will stress in solitude, and this can lead to aggressive behaviour or ‘fin-nipping’, so keeping them in bigger schools can reduce this. Apart from this behaviour Rosy Barbs are a very peaceful fish and do well in community fish tanks. They socialise well with Florida Flags, White Clouds Minnows, Rainbow Fish and Zebra Danios.
Feeding: We would describe Rosy barbs as opportunistic eaters, this meaning they will take any chance they can to get food so be careful not to overfeed. Rosy Barbs can be given a variety of foods including vegetables such as peas. Goldfish Flakes, Micro Pellets, Live Food or Frozen Foods are all good choices for the Rosy Barbs but don’t feed them too much as these guys have a tendency to graze on vegetation such as string-algae.
Reproduction: Rosy Barbs are egg laying fish. Spawning is noticeable by the chasing behaviour. Females will scatter hundreds of eggs onto substrates, plants or any decorations provided in the pond or aquarium. Males will then fertilise the eggs. Rosy Barbs will eat their own eggs and fry so if you are trying to breed Rosy Barbs it is recommended to try and remove the adults from the tank when eggs are noticed. Otherwise, provide plenty of aquatic plants in the pond, they allow for a place for the eggs to hide otherwise they will be eaten by the parents. Eggs generally hatch in thirty hours.
Gender Differences: The females generally remain smaller and plumper then the males which are slimmer and are brighter and more colourful than the females. The easiest way to tell the sex of Rosy Barbs is by their fins. Males get a black colouring in their fins whereas the females don’t.
Introducing Fish: Make sure you have put a Water Conditioner/Chlorine Neutraliser into your new pond before introducing fish. We suggest to not overstock a new pond with fish too soon, the water needs time to balance and age. If you have just filled the pond, you will need to wait at least a week or two before introducing fish!! Keep an eye on new fish for the first few hours after they have been released into the pond to make sure they are settling in well.