$4.00 each or 7 for $25.00
Scientific Name: Tanichthys alboneubes
Maximum Size: 4cm
Lifespan: 5 -7 years
Origin: Southern China
Diet: Omnivores
Breeding: Egg Laying
pH Range: 6.0-8.0
White Cloud Mountain Minnows are a hardy, easy-to-care for, freshwater fish suitable for aquariums and ponds. The White Clouds are a small, slender fish with a golden or silver body and bright red fins.
White Clouds are a schooling fish, so we recommend at least keeping half a dozen together. A tank of at least 20 litres for a small school is recommended. The bigger the better!
They are a peaceful fish and can be kept will other species such as Zebra Danios, Florida Flags, Rosey Barbs and Rainbow Fish. Keep in mind they are quite small so avoid keeping them with larger fish that may be inclined to fit them in their mouth. White Cloud Mountain Minnows are sold as ‘frog friendly’. Again, purely because of their size they struggle to eat tadpoles or eggs. They are also small enough that frogs take a liking to them in their diet. Something to keep in mind!
Feeding: White Clouds eat a variety of foods including live, frozen, flakes or micro pellets. They are fantastic at eating mosquito larvae as well as other small insects in the pond.
Reproduction: White Cloud Mountain Minnows will spawn all year round. White Clouds will scatter the eggs around the pond, so it is recommended to have a lot of plants in the pond for the eggs to be hidden amongst. Minnows aren't as aggressive about eating the eggs or young as most fish are, so there is a likely chance that you may get fry even if you are not trying to breed them.
Gender Differences: During spawning the females will have a fuller abdomen making it easier to tell the male and females apart. During this time the males will spread their fins and display vibrant colours to try and attract a female.
Introducing Fish: Make sure you have put a Water Conditioner/Chlorine Neutraliser into your new pond before introducing fish. We suggest to not overstock a new pond with fish too soon, the water needs time to balance and age. If you have just filled the pond, you will need to wait at least a week or two before introducing fish!! Keep an eye on new fish for the first few hours after they have been released into the pond to make sure they are settling in well.