Soil-Zyme is available in a 2L, 5L, 10L, 25L and 1,000L. These are Special Order Only! Please Contact us for more details.
Soil-Zyme is a powerful, highly concentrated bio-chemical soil renovator designed for the turf and horticulture industries. Its advanced enzyme technology uses specially selected enzymes to biologically re-invigorate degraded soils. The enzymes stimulate and enhance existing soil bacteria to treat a wide range of soil ailments and plant diseases. It is not an amicrobial inoculant because it contains no actual living organisms of its own. Soil-Zyme is for use on golf courses, sporting fields, bowling greens, parklands, nurseries, turf-farms, gardens or in any horticultural situation where an effective, environmentally
responsible and economical alternative to traditional soil management practices are required.
Benefits (Reduces / Eliminates):
- Grass Thatch
- Soil Compaction
- Hydrophobic Soil
- Surface Algae / Moss
- Black Layering in Soil
- Fungal Diseases
- Nematodes
- Fairy Rings
- Initial Dose Rate for Problematic situations - 7ml per 10m2 every 4-8 weeks.
- Maintenance Dose Rate - 3.5ml per 10m2 every 8-12 weeks.
How it works: Enzymes are proteins within bacteria. The enzymes used in Soil-Zyme are extracted from high quality aerobic bacteria cultures using a multi-stage fermentation process. When Soil-Zyme is applied to turf, the powerful solution penetrates beyond any hydrophobic soil near the surface, thatch and mat layers below. Local or existing soil bacteria absorb the new enzymes and when they reproduce, the new bacteria inherit within them an exact copy of the enzyme from Soil-Zyme. Hormones within Soil-Zyme then further accelerate bacterial multiplication to around 50 times the normal rate. The result is a massive population explosion of aerobic soil bacteria which has been observed at over 600 times pre-existing numbers two weeks after application. Soil-Zyme enhancement of aerobic bacteria also provides the bacteria with a more efficient digestive tool than their own. This enables the aerobic bacteria to consume and decompose organic matter at a much higher rate, which before only fungi could consume slowly. The massive increase in numbers of the enhanced aerobic bacteria sets up a feeding frenzy in which the bacteria look for any suitable food. The aerobic bacteria attack anaerobic bacteria, hydrocarbons, chemical residues (all contributing causes of black-layer), fungi spores (cause of diseases and hydrophobic soil) and plant lignin contained in thatch. The soil is being composted. As the process cleans the soil it also unlocks many other nutrients in the soil that would otherwise be unavailable to the plants. Soil-Zyme also de-compacts soil and encourages deeper & more efficient root systems reducing the plant’s dependency on irrigation and fertiliser.
For more information - Soil-Zyme PDF
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